Thursday, May 1, 2008


Vote Nader Revisited (2021)

*Adopt a single payer health care system (HEALTHCARE IS A HUMAN RIGHT) *Cut the bloated, wasteful military budget (ABOLISH THE U.S. MILITARY)  *Adopt a Wall Street securities speculation tax (DEMOLISH WALL STREET) *Support solar energy not nuclear power (SCRAP THE NUKES) *Reverse U.S. policy in the Middle East (OUT OF IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN ) *Impeach Bush/Cheney (…AND THROW THEM IN JAIL) *Adopt a polluter carbon tax (RELY ON BUSES, TRAINS AND BIKES) *Crack down on corporate crime and corporate welfare (FORECLOSE THE GANGSTER CAPITALISTS) *Repeal the anti-union Taft-Hartley law (…AND THROW MANAGEMENT IN THE BROOM CLOSET)

The above is basically the Nader-Gonzalez platform for 2008.

The Obama CULT does not convince me. Like it or not, he is a corporatist liberal imperialist. The return of "Kerry" style political branding. THE MAN with an African-American face. A sophisticated form of liberal deceit disguised with the veneer of identity politics. Neither Obama nor Hillary Has-Been represent "change" but only the illusion of it. Granted that THE SYSTEM would never allow Ralph to win and will do everything in its power to emasculate his candidacy- but principle is principle. My endorsement for Ralph Nader is directly related to the motto of this blog: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

Good principles are perennial.

Vote Nader. 

Post updated in March 2024. 

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