[the satellite launch this past weekend was both a great achievement for the DPRK in terms of technological development, and a strategic victory for the multipolar powers over the unipolar pretentions of barack obama in particular and the west in general... the Unha-2 space vehicle and the Kwangmyongsong-2 satellite are technologies of multipolar enforcement in orbital space.
obama's efforts to hustle a so-called "united front" against the DPRK at the UN have fallen on deaf ears and are set to fail miserably, as China and Russia are likely to veto any sort of Security Council sanction against the DPRK for exercising its sovereign right to launch a telecommunications satellite. that the launch was timed to coincide with the NATO summit and obama's "rock star" moment in prague was a propaganda coup for the DPRK. obama's "pop star" image only works among "safe" western audiences ... outside the censored echo chamber of the western media the fact that he is "the first black president" does not pull any traction...
obama's efforts to hustle a so-called "united front" against the DPRK at the UN have fallen on deaf ears and are set to fail miserably, as China and Russia are likely to veto any sort of Security Council sanction against the DPRK for exercising its sovereign right to launch a telecommunications satellite. that the launch was timed to coincide with the NATO summit and obama's "rock star" moment in prague was a propaganda coup for the DPRK. obama's "pop star" image only works among "safe" western audiences ... outside the censored echo chamber of the western media the fact that he is "the first black president" does not pull any traction...
it is clear beyond any doubt that the west has totally lost control of orbital space, as both bolivarian venezuela (with chinese technical assistance), and now the DPRK on its own both have satellites in orbit DESPITE, ABOVE and AGAINST the objections of the United States and the western neo-con punditocracy. this technological development is an objectively progressive step forward as it helps to facilitate the conditions for the emergence of a multipolar world order where the west has been debunked from the cockpit of globalisation and spaces have been opened for the emergence of a world where many worlds are possible, inclusive 21st century socialist ones.
Kudos to Uncle Kim ! - n2-ROT]
Kudos to Uncle Kim ! - n2-ROT]
Pyongyang, April 5, Juche 98 (KCNA) -- Scientists and technicians of the DPRK have succeeded in putting satellite Kwangmyongsong-2, an experimental communications satellite, into orbit by means of carrier rocket Unha-2 under the state long-term plan for the development of outer space.
Unha-2, which was launched at the Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground in Hwadae County, North Hamgyong Province at 11:20 on April 5, Juche 98 (2009), accurately put Kwangmyongsong-2 into its orbit at 11:29:02, nine minutes and two seconds after its launch. The satellite is going round the earth along its elliptic orbit at the angle of inclination of 40.6 degrees at 490 km perigee and 1,426 km apogee. Its cycle is 104 minutes and 12 seconds. Mounted on the satellite are necessary measuring devices and communications apparatuses. The satellite is going round on its routine orbit. It is sending to the earth the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans "Song of General Kim Il Sung" and "Song of General Kim Jong Il" and measured information at 470 MHz. By the use of the satellite the relay communications is now underway by UHF frequency band. The satellite is of decisive significance in promoting the scientific researches into the peaceful use of outer space and solving scientific and technological problems for the launch of practical satellites in the future.
Carrier rocket Unha-2 has three stages. The carrier rocket and the satellite developed by the indigenous wisdom and technology are the shining results gained in the efforts to develop the nation's space science and technology on a higher level. The successful satellite launch symbolic of the leaping advance made in the nation's space science and technology was conducted against the background of the stirring period when a high-pitched drive for bringing about a fresh great revolutionary surge is under way throughout the country to open the gate to a great prosperous and powerful nation without fail by 2012, the centenary of birth of President Kim Il Sung, under the far-reaching plan of General Secretary Kim Jong Il. This is powerfully encouraging the Korean people all out in the general advance.
FEW: DPRK Releases Video of Satellite Launch
The Video from the AP report:
The Video from the AP report:
[all the reports on the western media seem to assume as "fact" allegations by the united states navy that the DPRK carrier rocket "crashed into the pacific". the united states navy has shown no evidence of its claims. the DPRK carrier rocket was a three stage space vehicle, the first stage fell west of japan and the second stage on the pacific east of japan. all of this was planned and was announced by the DPRK prior to ther launch. the DPRK warned international maritime and aeronautic authorities about the flight path. if it is true that the third stage "crashed into the ocean", then where is it ? where exactly did it fall ? none of the allegations regarding the launch comming from the USA navy can be taken as "truth" without objective and independent confirmation; inclusive the claim that "no object entered orbit". this because the united states navy is clearly NOT an objective party into the matter, as the united states has demonstrated itself as politically hostile to the DPRK before, during and after the satellite launch. these facts are elementary and if the western media was truly "objective" as it pretends, they should have been considered. - n2 ]
[all the reports on the western media seem to assume as "fact" allegations by the united states navy that the DPRK carrier rocket "crashed into the pacific". the united states navy has shown no evidence of its claims. the DPRK carrier rocket was a three stage space vehicle, the first stage fell west of japan and the second stage on the pacific east of japan. all of this was planned and was announced by the DPRK prior to ther launch. the DPRK warned international maritime and aeronautic authorities about the flight path. if it is true that the third stage "crashed into the ocean", then where is it ? where exactly did it fall ? none of the allegations regarding the launch comming from the USA navy can be taken as "truth" without objective and independent confirmation; inclusive the claim that "no object entered orbit". this because the united states navy is clearly NOT an objective party into the matter, as the united states has demonstrated itself as politically hostile to the DPRK before, during and after the satellite launch. these facts are elementary and if the western media was truly "objective" as it pretends, they should have been considered. - n2 ]
[Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA)] *** http://www.kcna.co.jp/index-e.htm
The successful launch of the satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 marks a historic event which fully demonstrated the national power of the DPRK and meant a gunfire heralding the victory in struggle for building a great prosperous and powerful nation, a significant event instilling great national pride and self-esteem into the Korean people and an event which made a great contribution to the peace and security of the world.
Rodong Sinmun today says this in an editorial. It goes on:
The satellite launch strikingly demonstrated the might of the Juche-based industry which has grown strong despite stern trials and the level of the nation's science and technology and clearly proved that the DPRK's people's building a great prosperous and powerful nation is by no means an empty talk, the editorial notes, and goes on:
The satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 and carrier rocket Unha-2 developed by the DPRK are the shining products of Songun Korea as all elements ranging from their designing to manufacture, assembling, a launching site and observation facilities are home made.
Scientists and technicians of the DPRK settled all the scientific and technological problems arising in the development and launching of the satellite by their own efforts with the extraordinary spirit of inquiry and the persevering will and put the nation's space technology on a world level.
The DPRK's successful satellite launch is the shinning fruition of the Songun revolutionary leadership provided by Kim Jong Il by directing his utmost efforts to boosting the nation's political and military potentials and developing the science and technology despite the worst trial and adversity, while foreseeing a bright future of the country.
The successful launch of the satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 is ascribable to the heroic endeavors the trustworthy scientists and technicians of the DPRK have made by devoting all their wisdom and energies to the prosperity of the country, remaining true to the Workers' Party of Korea with revolutionary faith and ardent patriotism.
The army and people of the DPRK will wage a more dynamic drive to bring about a fresh great revolutionary surge to build a great prosperous and powerful nation of Juche on their land without fail true to the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il at any cost, while significantly hailing the successful launch of the satellite Kwangmyongsong-2.'
The successful launch of the satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 marks a historic event which fully demonstrated the national power of the DPRK and meant a gunfire heralding the victory in struggle for building a great prosperous and powerful nation, a significant event instilling great national pride and self-esteem into the Korean people and an event which made a great contribution to the peace and security of the world.
Rodong Sinmun today says this in an editorial. It goes on:
The satellite launch strikingly demonstrated the might of the Juche-based industry which has grown strong despite stern trials and the level of the nation's science and technology and clearly proved that the DPRK's people's building a great prosperous and powerful nation is by no means an empty talk, the editorial notes, and goes on:
The satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 and carrier rocket Unha-2 developed by the DPRK are the shining products of Songun Korea as all elements ranging from their designing to manufacture, assembling, a launching site and observation facilities are home made.
Scientists and technicians of the DPRK settled all the scientific and technological problems arising in the development and launching of the satellite by their own efforts with the extraordinary spirit of inquiry and the persevering will and put the nation's space technology on a world level.
The DPRK's successful satellite launch is the shinning fruition of the Songun revolutionary leadership provided by Kim Jong Il by directing his utmost efforts to boosting the nation's political and military potentials and developing the science and technology despite the worst trial and adversity, while foreseeing a bright future of the country.
The successful launch of the satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 is ascribable to the heroic endeavors the trustworthy scientists and technicians of the DPRK have made by devoting all their wisdom and energies to the prosperity of the country, remaining true to the Workers' Party of Korea with revolutionary faith and ardent patriotism.
The army and people of the DPRK will wage a more dynamic drive to bring about a fresh great revolutionary surge to build a great prosperous and powerful nation of Juche on their land without fail true to the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il at any cost, while significantly hailing the successful launch of the satellite Kwangmyongsong-2.'
[post-script / April 15th]: as i write this the UN security council has passed a non-binding resolution "condemning" the DPRK satellite launch. china and russia bolted at the last minute, and in order to -perhaps- appear as "constructive partners" to the "international community" (a western media fabricated euphenism for NATO), both went along with the obama administration sponsored security council declaration condemning the DPRK. in retaliation the DPRK has pulled out of the six party talks process and has re-estarted manufacture of plutonium in order to bolster its nuclear arsenal. the DPRK is fully justified in persuing this course of action as it is clear that it is surrounded by a hostlie international lynch mob whose aim is the destruction of the DPRK. the DPRK has a sovereign right to develop a nuclear deterrant to protect its right to exist, as well as the sovereign right to develop a space program for peaceful purposes. china and russia contradict their own efforts at enforcing a new multipolar world order when they back unipolarist initiatives aimed at undermining the DPRK. -n2-ROT